Lesson 1
Follow-up after Salvation the Savior and Free Gift
Follow-up Memory Verse John 3:16
Jesus Christ as savior and The free Gift of Eternal Life
Find the answers in the reading and the scriptures found in the follow-up lesson.
1. What did Jesus Christ come into the world to do, John 1:29.
2. How were sins taken away by Jesus Christ, John 19:17,18?
3. The moment you believed in Jesus Christ what happened, John 5:24.
4. Fill in the blanks with your name and memorize.
God so loved
He gave His one and only Son (Jesus Christ), because
believes in Him (Jesus Christ)
shall not perish but have eternal
life." John 3:16
5. John 6: 47 says he who believes has what type of life?
6. What happens to those who do not believe in Christ?
a. John 3:18
b. John 3:36
7. Jesus Christ says in John 14:6 " I am the and the and the
8. Can we come to God in any other way than through
, John 14:6?
9. Write how you know that your sins are forgiven and that you have eternal life.
10. When does a person become Gods child, John 1:12?
11. Who is the him in this passage, John 1:12?
12. What assurance do you now have that you are a child of God, John 10:27-29?
13. If you keep Jesus Christ s commandments He promises what, John 14:21?
14. Who has He promised to send to help you, John 14:26?
15. John 5:24 "I tell you the truth, whoever my word (Jesus Christ) and him (The Father) who sent me (Jesus Christ) has life and will not be ; he has crossed over from death to life."
16. When Thomas saw Jesus Christ after His resurrection what did he say, John 20:28-31? Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
17. In John 1:1 who is the WORD?
18. In John 1:14, did the WORD become a man?
19. Then who is the WORD in, John 1:14? Who is also identified as God according to, John 1:1?
Before leaving this follow-up page you may want to print it now and review it often. PrintIt is recommended for all to further their Biblical study and understand to purchase the following books!!
Following Companies:
The Essential Criteria of Dispensational Theology for the Professional and Layperson
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Paperback, Hard Copt, Nook book| Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com),
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Cokesbury - The Essential Criteria of Dispensational Theology,
Booksamillion.com New & Used Marketplace Books).Please write a review, go to each of the sites and write a review. This would be very helpful and appreciated!!
Where Is God? Lexie Discovers God's Plan to Save the World
(Soft cover only see video ISBN : 9781498421553 Xulon Press.
Paper back, Kindle: Amazon.com : ISBN: 9781498421553
Paperback | Barnes & Noble (barnesandnoble.com),
eBay - 9781498421553 | eBay).
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Lesson 1 Follow-up after Salvation the Savior and Free GiftThen continue with Lesson 2 Follow-up lesson 'What Happened to Me'
World Wide Outreach Ministry Inc.
By: Theodore D Pestor/ President/Pastor BTH