If you have never received Jesus Christ as you're savior and LORD you can do that right now by asking Him to come into your life to live. Below is a sample prayer, but our LORD knows your heart’s desire so God will be looking and responding to what He sees and hears in your heart’s mind!

Dear God I do ask you in faith to forgive me of all my sin and sins right now I turn from them and commit to you my life. I want right now, you to be my God and Father. I thank you for forgiving me of my sins by faith in Jesus Christ. I understand that you give complete forgiveness and eternal life to those who have accepted your sacrifice on the cross; and I thank you for forgiveness and eternal life in heaven with you - which I receive right now. Thank you for your gift - I do not deserve it - so I am humbled. I want to live for you being an active member of your eternal family. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for dying for me - being buried for me and rising again - I am so glad you’re living to give me eternal life and giving me life here on earth with a purpose. Help me now by your Holy Spirit as I serve you in this new relationship and family.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.

To learn more about you're commitment and to grow in your new found faith in Jesus Christ, go to the follow-up study lessons. They will help you fully understand the greatness of your commitment; I know it will help a lot! Welcome into the family of the redeemed, the Family of God! Make a note to yourself today (write today's date down) that you have committed your life to God by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Go through the follow-up and see how God gives victory over sin, how He comforts or indwells permanently, how He will never leave you, and no one - not even you can take yourself out of this relationship. God has written your name in the Book of Life. Also, tell someone of your commitment!

E-Mail Ted for help with additional question or I want you to Know I made a commitment


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