Bringing the best out of your spouse
Women - (men listen)
When they feel and believe they are being protected by their husband. There is nothing that Godly women will not try to do or do to show appreciation. Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. Ephesians 5
Men- (women listen)
When a husband is honored out of submission (not just submitted to) there is nothing that Godly man will not do to show appreciation. Ephesians 5
Both are responsible to fulfill their personnel responsibility to the other. (Not judging, holding other accountable by saying to them " if you do this then I will do or be" preaching to your spouse will not bring the blessing your looking for). In 1 Corinthians 7 it says you belong to the other and you will be blessed when you fulfill the role God has ordained for you. You need to say to yourself, yes , I will do what God wants for me and ask God to fulfill His command through me because you love, honor, and submissive to His will.
Actions and verbal responses from you will produce Godly living, peace, security, and children who can and will learn by your example to pass on to the next generation.
It is recommended for all to further their Biblical study and understand to purchase the following books!!
Following Companies:
The first book -
- Xulon Press, The Essential Criteria of Dispensational Theology for the Professional and Layperson
Hard cover -ISBN : 9781662801969 or soft cover ISBN : 9781632219657 Xulon Press,- paperback, hard copy, Kindle: ISBN : 9781632219657,
- Barnes & Noble® ( Paperback, Hard Copt, Nook book,
- eBay - ISBN : 9781632219657 | eBay,
- Cokesbury - The Essential Criteria of Dispensational Theology
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The other book -
- Xulon Press, Where Is God? Lexie Discovers God's Plan to Save the World
, see video ISBN : 9781498421553 Xulon Press,- Amazon paper back, Kindle: : ISBN : 9781498421553,
- Barnes & Noble (,
- eBay - ISBN : 9781498421553 | eBay,
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World Wide Outreach Ministry Inc.
By: Theodore D Pestor/ President/Pastor BTH