Adam For answers click on down arrows.
What is the meaning of the name Adam?
1. Adam was by the Trinity. Gen. 1:26
2. Adam was created in the and likeness of God. Eph. 4:24, Col. 3:10
3. Adam was formed out of the and God into him and Adam became a living . Gen. 2:7
4. Adam was created as a Trinity, having , , and . 1 Thess. 5:23
5. God made the for man, and then for the earth. Gen. 2:8,15
6. God told Adam to be fruitful and multiply and the earth and all things on the earth. Gen. 1:28-30
7. Both Adam the male and Adam the female were created the same . Gen. 1:26-27
8. Adam the male, named Adam the female. Adam named his wife after the . Gen. 2:21-25 , Gen. 3:20
9. The name Eve means: . Gen. 3:20
10. Man was to be obedient to God or man would Gen. 2:15-17
11. The name of the tree man was not to eat from was called, . V17
12. They covered themselves after they sinned with attempting to cover their sin and shame. Gen. 3:7. Today man tries to cover sin on his own without God. Prov. 16:25
13. God sought man out immediately after he Gen. 3:8-13
14. God covered their sin and shame with Gen. 3:21. There was a sacrifice to get animal skins Heb 9:22. Today God has sought us out and shed His blood through Eph 1:7, John 3:16-21
15. The dispensation ended with man being sent out of . Gen.3:24
16. What tree could man have eaten from which he did not: , this tree if he had eaten would have let him live forever. Gen. 3:22 This tree represents Jesus Christ and whosoever receive him will live forever. John 1:12
17. Gen. 3:14-21, describes the that came upon all man; it has been passed down through the offspring of man, Rom 5.
18. Adam and Eve had and and only three are mentioned , , and . Gen. 5:4
19. Cain killed , (Gen. 4:8,9). Abel's sacrifice was by God (Gen. 4:4). Through Seth came the blood line of (Luke 3:28) who is the mother of
20. Adam lived years and he died. Gen. 5:5
Adam in the New Testament
21. Sin entered the world by one man - named . Rom 5:12
22. The sin of Adam effected both man and . Rom 8:19-23
23. 1 Cor 15:45,46,47 speak of two . The first a living soul and the second a quickening spirit.
24. Adam brought death to all and Jesus Christ has brought to all men, but just as in the Garden of Eden, man was able to choose either the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil or choose to eat of the Tree of Life.
The Offence (present state of all until) Vs. The Fee Gift (is received)
25. Many be Rom 5:15,19 26. Available to
27. Wages is Rom.6:23 28. Gift is
29. Given to Rom 5:12 30. Grace given to
31. Received at Eph.2:8,9 32. Receive at a time as a
33. Mans John 3:18,17 34. Jesus Christs
35. One Rom 5: 16 36. Many
37. Eternal Death is the Rom 5:16,17 38. Justification is
39. Rejection of the gift leaves a man Rom 5:17 40. Includes the gift of
41.Lake of Fire is Rev. 20:10,15; 21:8, 1 Peter 1:1-4 42.Heven is 1Cor.15:21,22
43. What kind of life does the second Adam give ? John 10:10
44. Why doesnt man come to Jesus Christ ? John 3:19-21
45. Why dont men understand this truth ? 2 Cor. 4:4,5
46. Who lifts the blindness ? Luke 19:10, 2 Cor 3:16,17, Eph 2:8,9, John 1:11,12.It is recommended for all to further their Biblical study and understand to purchase the following books!!
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- Xulon Press, The Essential Criteria of Dispensational Theology for the Professional and Layperson
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By: Theodore D Pestor/ President/Pastor BTH